Items tagged with usability

Related tags: marketing design ecommerce thisisbroken ui

40 items total

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Laptop usability

January 22, 2003 - 162 words , 3 comments
I wish my laptop was better able to detect changes in my work states.
Also tagged as: laptop resolution

Embrace the medium

October 15, 2002 - 450 words , 4 comments
The Web is different than print, television, or any other medium. To be successful, designers must embrace those differences.
Also tagged as: accessibility bestof design flash

Email Marketing Usability

September 30, 2002 - 291 words
Jakob Nielsen turns to a subject dear to my heart: the improving your email newsletters to enhance the reader experience.
Also tagged as: email marketing spam

Usability test serendipity

September 9, 2002 - 67 words
Marketers can use usability testing to build a better product.
Also tagged as: marketing

Opportunity lost

September 3, 2002 - 638 words , 1 comment
Improve the customer experience of automated emails.
Also tagged as: customers email marketing

Usability of Microwave Meals

August 28, 2002 - 242 words , 3 comments
Why is it this difficult to make a microwave meal?
Also tagged as: food

Goodbye links

August 15, 2002 - 122 words
What happens when you break links to your site and your competitor doesn’t? Sites link to your competition instead of you.
Also tagged as: amazon barnesandnoble marketing

Shopping Cart Usability

March 17, 2002 - 40 words
In Shopping Cart Usability, Barbara S. Chaparro examines usability factors of the online shopping cart....
Also tagged as: ecommerce

Web Rage

February 19, 2002 - 57 words
InformationWeek | Count To 10, Then Read This: "When people get mad at the Internet,...
Also tagged as: anger

Shades of Gray

February 12, 2002 - 25 words
Elegant Hack: gray advice: "Users think a grayed out link is simply a gray link,...
Also tagged as: design

40 items total

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Adam Kalsey

+1 916 600 2497


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© Adam Kalsey.